Friday, May 21, 2010

springtime part deux

The spring has been rather lovely. Most of the time I feel like a poor Pollyanna. I dream of living on 16th street and biking to a development job, yet I sleep in my dad's house and scrounge up bike money. Despite that, things have for the most part been going well. Here are current life observations and current self-improvement hopes, brought to you by yours truly.

Life observation: There ARE fantastic guys in the world. And, not all of them are foreign and/or Jewish! Or even fans of the city! I've met someone who "haings" with me, who can read my thoughts, who gets turned on by my stack of library books, and who can own a political conversation. I must have rescued a family of whales in my past life to get this lucky.

Life observation: The most interesting people at work are the old people and, like any other people, they are full of contradictions.
Take the former Peace Corps volunteer who bikes to work and listens to Rush Limbaugh. Or the potty mouthed teacher with the secret heart of gold. Or the creepy, rapey, Borderline personality weirdo who might, under it all, just be a scared man. Everyone I work with fascinates me- I love their stories, their lives, how they got to work here, and what crazy things I can get them to admit.

Life observation: I need to exercise more.
Life observation: I am not in Europe anymore- thus, the Coke I drink goes to my stomach, it does not get magically walked off.

I need to move it move it. Maybe AM gym sessions will work well for me. I have no excuse for not going- except for a slight knee injury, I am a-ok. Somehow LOST episodes, phone calls, and food always get in the way of my potential exercise dates with myself.

Life observation: The Peace Corps medical review is HARDDD HARD HARD.
I have been poked, prodded, shined on, interviewed, and given shots. I have gone to three doctors already and will go to a fourth on Monday. I have mountains of paperwork and mountains more to do. They check for every little thing, which, actually I like. I'd rather find out that I have a cavity here than in the middle of a rural village in Boliva.
But, I am over the shots and the blood and the needles. I don't want to be poked for a long time.

Life observation: If a rabbi tells me that I need to convert my boyfriend or "get rid of him," I need to find a new rabbi. A Gentile boyfriend is not vermin that you can get rid of with poison. He is, like everyone else, a living, breathing, human being. Orthodox Judaism may never accept it, but I'm becoming more and more clear that I could never be an Orthodox Jew. People should love each other for who they are- truth, love, and kindness should win out.

Life observation: UGHUGHUGH Whyy am I still living at home?

Life observation: I want to travel.

Life observation: This tiny room needs to get clean. And the GREs need to get studied for.

Life observation: Why is it 2:36 am?

I need to make a list of things to do. I need to sleep. I am making a Gesso salad for a potluck tomorrow, and it will be bangin. For those of you who don't know what a Gesso salad is, I'll fill you in next entry. I'm going to make Justin mix the salad, just so that I can say, "Baby, keep tossing my salad," and, "Justin tossed the salad tonight, so everyone thank him." Hehehe. I am 14.
So to conclude: things are good, they could be better, but everything is comfortably floating along in this abyss called life. Until next times, sweet dreams, buttercups.

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