Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hello from the land of lobster sculptures

I'm in MAINE, visiting a girl I've known since I was a fetus. This is the last time I'll see her, or her family, for two years. It's weird to think of the Peace Corps service in those terms, but it's true. It'll be two whole years until I see about 99 percent of the people in my life. Crazypants. I'll be 26 years old when I come home- a number which seems incredibly old, refined, and ancient to me right now. Twenty six year olds have cars, retirement plans, husbands, and dogs. It seems like an age where people have their shit together. I wonder how different it'll be than 23.

I'm excited about getting to teach in Ecuador. The Welcome Book says that we will have classes of up to 70 children- gaaaaah! Will they be teenagers, or five year olds? Unruly or well behaved? Gung ho about English or apathetic? Only time will tell. I do hope that I'll be a good teacher, and learn to practice my PATIENCE skills that I've acquired during the Peace Corps process. I hope that the TEFL group can help the school systems update their methods of teaching English. We were invited specifically to do this. Some of my favorite memories in class involve playing games, and making shit up, so I plan to incorporate a ton of that into lessons. And candy. Candy is magic. I want to give out candy. And, unlike my wicked French teacher J. Feld, I will NOT act bitterly towards the students, and will hide any semblance of favorite playing. I still rem

Today is my last day in Maine. It's been 33 degrees all weekend, and there is a wicked strong wind blowing through the state tonight. We saw Acadia today, which is one of the most beautiful places I've ever laid eyes on. Pine trees, bare birch trees with their white bark facing the sky, and clear, blue (freezing) water make up Acadia. And there were lobster symbols EVERYWHERE. Will post them later on.


  1. So excited to have found another June invite! There are only 4 of us so far, but we have a facebook group that you should join if you have fb. =)also obviously befriend all of us on fb as well. I can't believe it is only 2 months from now. I am super excited for what is to come. I agree with the above post how it is wierd saying goodbye for 2 years. I have moved away from home before but never this far. In the end though, you really know who your true friends are, especially fun to see if anyone will come visit. I will be 27 when we get out and it is crazy because already many of my friends are knocked up, have babies or are married haha However, I don't care about rushing those things because not only will we have our shit together but we'll have amazing experiences to go along with it. cant wait to meet you!

  2. I totally agree with the candy part hahaha

    Wow.. this is so surreal. It just hit me that this was real. I mean, of course it's real, but I think you know what I mean :)

    I definitely had the same thoughts as you, especially about the 70 students thing haha.. I've never experienced that before! But it'll be great. Whatever happens, it'll be an adventure.

    And I've DEFINITELY thought about the age thing. I'll be very close to my 25th birthday when I get back, and it really does seem as like that's the "have-your-shit-together" age haha.. oh well! We'll have some crazy wild stories though! And that's really what life's about, right??

    @marissa, I think I'm blind because I couldn't find the group :-/
    Jeez.. I've had facebook for 5 years and I couldn't find it haha

  3. the group is called Peace Corps Ecuador June 2011. If you type that into the search it should come up or just friend me-Marissa Fontanez and I can add you =)

  4. Sweet, thanks. I've added you and requested the group :)
    Oh, I'm Jasmine Inreverie, btw.

  5. @Marissa- Whooa thanks for telling me about the FB group! I just joined...apparently there are 8 members now, woot! We will have amazing experiences when we're there. I help out this 70 year old lady who always regretted that she didn't do the Peace Corps- so if we don't live it up now, when will we?

    @Jasmine- Yeah, the 70 students thing does sound pretty daunting, but, like you said, it'll be an adventure. We'll definitely come out with some good stories :)

    can't wait to meet you all soon!!! just friended both of you on fb, too.

  6. I'm also leaving for Ecuador with the Peace Corps TEFL program in June. I guess I'll be seeing you soon!
