Monday, May 23, 2011

piles o' stuff

Many people ask me what sorts of things I'm taking with me to Ecuador, an seemingly innocent question that I never know how to succintly answer. I usually just say "everything". That's because I have no clue where I'll be placed. It could be in the frigid Andes, where the temperature is 40 degrees every day. Or, it could be on the hot and muggy coast, where a cool day hovers around 80 degrees. Or in the jungle, with its ferocious rainy season. For all of the research I've done on the climate, there is still no way to see into the future to know what, exactly, to pack for. And what does the planning freak do when faced with the dark, scary Unknown? Bring everything, of course.

Things I am souped about bringing:
1. My Chacos
2. War and Peace
3. My scrapbook of loved ones which I will make THIS WEEK

Things I wish I could bring:
1. My dogs
2. Air conditioning
3. An unending supply of Chipotle. Like Mary Poppins' suitcase, which holds an unending supply of Chipotle burritos.

Things I should probably get but haven't yet:

1. Souvenirs for host family- always an awkward one. First off, DC souvenirs or MD souvenirs? Silver Spring is on the verge of each. We're the DC metropolitan area, but we're in MD. I'll probably bring them some Old Bay and something to do with the blue crab, which our state is obsessed with.
2. Fun games. I keep seeing Bananagrams on sale everywhere I go. The universe obviously is trying to tell me that this is essential to a successful PC experience.
3. A robe?

My bedroom currently looks like a chaotic maze of labels, bags, and clothes. Things are strewn everywhere...sandals, cardigans, plastic bags, big backpacking backpacks, and the trusty, beautiful blue Peace Corps invitation packet. I've gone to REI and gotten clothes that blow my mind with their technology: clothes that wick moisture, clothes that have UV Ray protection, wool that somehow keeps you cold when it's hot, and hot when it's cold (still scratching my head over how that works).

In true Andrea fashion, I've put off organizing the beast of packing in favor of playing GRE word games with the hose, seeing my friends and family, and figuring out how to scrapbook. This whole week will be fantastic and tiring, filled with good friends and delicious food (how I will miss thee, Guapos, Nava Thai, and the Vegetable Garden!). I have the last week with the girls this week. I'm going to miss their insatiable dog, discussing the latest MTV/Hunger Games gossip, being introduced to Youtube gems such as Rebecca Black's "Friday", and helping them navigate the very tough world of middle and elementary school. When I come back, Mags will be driving. How crazy.

Everything I feel now, I feel deeper. I appreciate the sun and the cool evening breeze. I laugh more deeply at jokes, and take more time to talk to friends. It may be unwise of me to be spending so much of this week with other people, but I want to celebrate and soak it all up before so that when I'm alone in a hut somewhere I can remember how good it really is here. Let the American good times roll until the drumbeat of Ecuador comes along and changes up the beat.

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